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SPRI has opened the 2019 call of the Hazitek program, which supports Industrial Research Projects or Experimental Development of SMEs and large companies in the C.A. from the Basque Country. For any questions or help in preparing proposals, you can contact us through Juan Iglesias, project manager at NAIDER: jiglesias@naider.com Objectives Support for carrying out…
The Department of Transport, Mobility and Territory Cohesion of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia has launched the 2019 call for subsidies for the development of urban planning instruments. The aid subsidizes the review of urban planning plans, and also the strategic environmental assessments associated with said plans. Addressee: Bizkaia town halls with fewer than 7,000…
The Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, local administration of the province of Gipuzkoa in the Basque Country, has commissioned Naider to develop a process to evaluate the suitability and impact of the three main support programs for entrepreneurial action that the Provincial Council has developed in recent years. The project has been implemented through a socio-economic…