Naider Leioa Behargintzarekin lankidetzan ari da datozen urteetan sustapen ekonomikoaren arloan udalerriko jardueretarako gida estrategiko bat zehazteko. Gida-dokumentuak udalerriaren lehiakortasun-posizionamendua, 2030erako dituen lehentasun estrategikoak eta garapen oparorako hurrengo urratsak biltzen ditu.

The initial analysis and the strategic diagnosis of economic promotion and the industrial, business and commercial competitiveness of the municipality will be contrasted in order to enrich them with contributions from the diversity of agents operating in the economic and business sphere and to build the Leioa 2030 Strategic Guide with the necessary keys to guide economic promotion activities in the coming years.

Together with the final strategy document, a roadmap of next steps for its implementation is developed.