global-cities-put-the-brake-on-diesel-infopostThe mayors of Paris, Madrid, Mexico City and Athens have committed to ban the circulation of diesel vehicles in their cities in the next decade, as well as promote sustainable mobility alternatives. The commitment was reached at the biennial summit of mayors C40: leading climate action that took place in the Mexican capital.

As the BBC recalls, in the past governments have promoted the use of diesel cars, but recently Concern about its impact on air pollution and its harmful effect on the health of citizens has been increasing. Diesel cars produce, on the one hand, very fine suspended particles – less than 2.5 microns in diameter – that can reach the lungs and blood supply. On the other hand, they emit particularly high levels of nitrogen dioxide, which causes or exacerbates respiratory and cardiovascular problems. nitrogen dioxide caused 71,000 premature deaths in Europe in 2015, and 4,280 in the state.

The four capitals that have reached the agreement exceed the air pollution limits recommended by the UN. In addition to banning diesel cars within eight years, the city councils have agreed to promote circulation by bike and on foot, the use and extension of public transport, as well as encourage electric, hydrogen and hybrid vehicles.

The agreement may set an important precedent for other cities that may follow the same path, so the auto industry will probably take note of it.