How to attract foreign investment to a mature sector like the automotive? This is the question that we were asked at Invest in Spain and that we are trying to answer.
The attraction of foreign investment continues to be a powerful vector of growth in Spain today and the objective of Invest in Spain is to promote this investment and direct it towards the generation of activities with high added value.
Spain must be extremely competitive today to be able to attract foreign investment. The emerging countries are bidding hard, fundamentally offering lower production costs. What should Spain’s strategy then be?
Spain must commit to attracting foreign investment towards activities with high added value, which are supported by a high level of technology or innovative business models. For this, the unique capabilities that Spain possesses must be taken advantage of: its developed research and development system, its highly qualified workforce, its geo-strategic positioning and alliances, among others.
At Naider we are collaborating with Invest in Spain looking for those unique capabilities and identifying the most promising business opportunities for the automotive sector in Spain.