Sweden doesn't like oil

Sweden aspires to become the first country in the world with off-limits for oil, the Nordic country will present at the COP 21, the United Nations conference against climate change, his plan to bet firmly on renewable energy, the goal; 2050. Swedish leaders believe that 35 years will be, from a realistic point of view, the time it takes to put an end to fossil fuels.

It turns out that this goal is not the first time that the head of the Swedish government has been around, but that it is a dream that they have been aspiring to for a long time, the truth is that in order to achieve this goal, as explained by Stefan Löfven , Swedish Prime Minister, “we need political and social will, but let’s not be advantageous, we also need resources and, fortunately, Sweden has them.”

And it is that Sweden has been leading the fight against climate change since the 80s, when it closed some of its nuclear power plants, applying green incentive policies to companies and promoting a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, all an example for other countries.