The Department of the Environment, Territorial Planning and Housing of the Basque Government has opened the 2019 Call for subsidies to companies to carry out investments aimed at protecting the environment.

Subsidies to companies to carry out investments aimed at protecting the environment. Call 2019.





The purpose of this Order is to summon, for the financial year 2019, subsidies to companies to carry out investments, within the scope of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, aimed at protecting the environment , in accordance with the provisions of Decree 202/2015, of October 27, which regulates subsidies to companies to carry out investments aimed at protecting the environment (BOPV no. 212/2015) in the following lines:

a) Aid for investment that allows us to go beyond the Union regulations on environmental protection (…).

b) Aid for early adaptation to future Union standards.

c) Grants for environmental studies.

d) Investment aid for the recycling and reuse of waste generated by third parties (…)

e) Aid for cleaning up contaminated land when the person responsible for the contamination cannot be identified (…)

f) Aid to SMEs for environmental advisory services.


Any natural or legal person of a private nature dedicated to industrial, commercial or service provision activities, with or without lucrative purposes, as well as the associations constituted by them that represent general and common interests.


a) Aid to finance investments that allow us to go beyond Union regulations

– Investments to reduce the emission of odors.

– Investments in equipment for the purification of volatile organic compounds in foundry facilities (…).

– Investments in equipment intended to enable factory regeneration and/or recycling by third parties of sand and molding fines from iron foundries, (…).

– Investments aimed at adapting high PCI waste to the requirements derived from international standards (…).

– Investments destined to implement or adapt preparation operations for the reuse of waste (PXR).

– Others that meet the requirements established in this Order (…).

b) Aid for early adaptation to future Union standards.

c) Grants to carry out environmental studies:

– Studies aimed at analyzing the technical, economic and environmental feasibility of concrete and precast that incorporate sand waste (…).

– Studies aimed at promoting the minimization of GHG emissions into the air (…).

– Studies on emerging and/or persistent pollutants (PFOs, PFOAS, …).

– Studies on emerging construction-demolition waste and hazardous construction and demolition waste.

– Voluntary olfactometric studies to minimize the emission of odors (…).

– Studies for the adequacy and verification of the environmental quality of secondary materials.

– Other environmental studies declared preferential in the 2020 Waste Prevention and Management Plan of the Basque Government.

– Others that meet the requirements established in this Order (…).

d) Aid to finance investments for the recycling and reuse of waste generated by third parties (…):

– Investments to enable the identification and separation of plastics (…).

– Investments aimed at the reuse of parts and the recycling and recovery of waste from vehicles and WEEE.

– Investments in devices/machinery for the dismantling and decontamination of vehicles and ships (…).

– Investments in devices/machinery (…) to avoid the mixture of RCDs, and to enable the separation of mixtures of construction waste (…).

– Others that meet the requirements established in this Order (…).

e) Aid for cleaning up contaminated land (…).

f) Aid to SMEs to finance the external costs derived from external advisory services in environmental matters:

– Grants for actions promoted by business associations in relation to the promotion of the EMAS Registry (…).

– Aid for registration in the Register of the European Environmental Management System (EMAS), both prior consulting and the costs of the verification entity.

– Aid for the renewal of the EMAS registration. (…).

– Aid for the implementation and certification of the UNE-EN ISO 14006 Ecodesign Standard, ecolabels (Type I or Type III), environmental product declarations (EPD’s) and the implementation and certification or registration of environmental footprints. (…).

– Aid for the declaration of soil quality of plots that have supported potentially polluting activities (…).

– Aid to companies in sectors with the greatest impact on the environment for the presentation of the “unique soil document”, as long as it has not been expressly requested by the Environmental Body.


The deadline for submitting applications will be one month from the day following the publication of this Order in the Official Gazette of the Basque Country.

Applications must be submitted electronically at