Fomento San Sebastián/Donostia Sustapena promotes the project Donostia Urban Lur where the following is offered to those who want to undertake a business project based on the production of agricultural products:

  • suitable land and infrastructure for cultivation,
  • tools to work them,
  • technical training itinerary in agriculture and business for the execution of the business project and
  • advice and support for the marketing of products.

Naider collaborates with Fomento to provide these advisory services to new agricultural entrepreneurs. He offers his experience to carry out successful agrarian initiatives in the city. All this, with parameters of economic and ecological sustainability, promoting local production and consumption in the municipality of Donostia.

The space that is available is entirely in the municipality of Donostia and consists of an area of ​​2.74 hectares, which has been distributed into 6 individual units of agricultural enterprise with an average area of ​​4,000/5,000 m². A unique opportunity for those who want to dedicate their time to the land.

Take advantage of this opportunity!

To know the bases of the call and register read more here