With just over ten days to go before the sweetest festive bridge of the year, factories, schools, companies, universities and shops in the Basque Country and some Autonomous Communities in Spain completely stop for two working days, setting up an unexpected festivity carousel out of nowhere. From March 19 to 22, the country slows down thanks to the work and grace of those responsible for the work calendar, who should not have found a better way to balance the festive obligations of our country than to honor a character quasi -forgotten Christian saints.

From the point of view of progress towards a secular state, it is a setback and a beautiful opportunity to give our country a boost of modernity. Could we not find as a civil, modern and committed society other events to commemorate? Is there not “International Human Rights Day”, “International Day of the Basque Language”, “International Day of Working Women”, “International Day of the Environment” and so many other claims and social achievements to celebrate and remember in our country?

From the point of view of the international competitiveness of our companies, a good mistake since it interrupts the normal development of the activity economical. We do not think that the direct and indirect costs of this government closure of the country have been assessed, just ten days before the spring holidays due to autonomy: those coinciding with Easter. Isn’t the government going to be encouraged to rationalize the work calendar once and for all? Isn’t it time to think about the issue of working hours and find the rationality that the rest of Europeans enjoy on this issue?

From a social and cultural point of view, San José is simply a bewilderment. At least here in Euskal Herria. The festivity of San José hardly has popular roots, nor are festivals or traditions celebrated in practically any town in our geography. The dandy image of the father of the Church and protector of the family that the Catholic Church projects of this biblical figure is also languishing after the campaign of El Corte Inglés and men’s fashion and perfume brands.

The choice is not well understood. It’s all very extemporaneous and inappropriate. We advocate the rationalization of schedules and the choice of civil calendars that are well established in the values ​​of the 21st century society. We leave it here for your reflection.