Our colleagues Sara Soloaga and Aitor Mingo gave a training session on energy communities, in the framework of the Sustainability Law 4/2019, to the technical and political staff of the Nerbioi-Ibaizabal Community of Councils: Arakaldo, Arrankudiaga-Zollo, Arrigorriaga, Etxebarri, Orozko, Ugao-Miraballes, Urduña-Orduña, Zaratamo and Zeberio.

During the meeting in Arrigorriaga, the reference framework and the importance of Energy Communities as tools for the energy transition were explained. There was also an opportunity to explain the concept and existing modalities of Energy Communities, with concrete examples of implementation. The necessary steps to implement a local energy community were also outlined, and the participants shared a space to reflect on the starting point and their possible future in relation to it.