Today we participated in a meeting promoted by Egaz Txorierri with the mayors of the municipalities of the Txorierri Valley to reflect on the key areas to be taken into account for the development of the new governance model and the Strategic Business Plan 2025-2030 for the region. Egaz Txorierri, the Municipal Economic Promotion Service of the Txorierri Town Councils, is facilitating this process to improve the region’s competitiveness, with the technical support of NAIDER.

Yesterday’s meeting was attended by the mayors of Derio (Esther Apraiz), Lezama (Jon Ander Aurrekoetxea), Loiu (Josu Andoni Begoña), Sondika (Nahia Landa) and Zamudio (Lander Aretxabaleta). The process will also involve key actors and stakeholders from Txorierri, in order to add value to the consolidation of the axes, objectives and governance model of Egaz as a benchmark entity in terms of economic promotion in the region.

This is an initiative developed within the framework of the Regional Competitiveness Promotion Programme of the Bizkaia Orekan Sakonduz Network, funded by the Economic Promotion Department of the Bizkaia Provincial Council.