Ranking of cities

According to “Economist Intelligence Unit’s (EIU)” of “The Economist” magazine, the overall quality of life on the planet has decreased by 1%, as a result of both the economic crisis and international conflicts, even so, fortunately, it is estimated that the quality of life will rise again in the coming years. In connection with this, the magazine has drawn up a ranking of the cities with the best and worst scores to live in today.

Leading the list is the Australian city of Melbourne with a score of 97.5 out of 100, the city leading the list for the fifth consecutive year. On the opposite side, due to the serious armed conflicts that ravage the city, is the Syrian city of Damascus.

The first European city is in second place in the ranking and it is none other than the Austrian Vienna. The cities that tend to lead the list have commonalities; These are generally medium-large cities located in rich countries with low demographic density.