The preparation of DEK Azterketa will combine analytical work with participatory work with companies in Durangaldea in order to delve deeper into the competitive reality of the region. Throughout the process, the situation and perspective of Durangaldea in terms of sustainable competitiveness will be analysed and value proposals will emerge to position DEK and Durangaldea as leading agents in sustainable competitiveness.
-DEK DASHBOARD: Creation of a Sustainable Competitiveness Dashboard that will serve as an information platform on the current situation and progress of the region’s competitiveness. It will allow to evaluate the impact of the activities, services and strategies implemented.
DEK LEHIAKORTASUNA: Using the Dashboard, a regional competitiveness positioning report will be drawn up, which will serve to analyse the impact of DEK in the region and its potential to improve competitiveness at the service of the well-being of Durangaldea.
DEK INTELLIGENCE: A competitive intelligence system will be set up to progressively ascertain the needs of the business system in Durangaldea and to offer companies a self-diagnosis of their competitive situation in different relevant areas.