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Entries written by:
The Department of Economic Development and Infrastructures of the Basque Government has launched the call for the ITSASPEN 2019 Program, in order to subsidize the promotion of the coast of the C.A. of the Basque Country. Addressee: town councils and local entities Deadline: Applications can be submitted until March 25, 2019 For any questions or…
Last week we offered our services to carry out the socio-economic and environmental diagnosis of the Bergara town hall. Naider’s team is specialized in analyzing the performance of municipalities based on quantitative and qualitative indicators, bringing together numerous agents to co-design strategies and advise on decision-making. If you want to know more about this or…
Naider has presented its offer of technical assistance in the design and implementation of an innovation check program promoted by the Basque Government. The team has in-depth knowledge of the Basque Science, Technology and Innovation System, as well as the very instruments with which the Basque Science, Technology and Innovation policy is endowed, and it…
At the beginning of the year we presented the contest to characterize the Business R&D of the Basque Country in response to the open public call launched by the Economic and Infrastructure Department of the Basque Government. The Naider team has been a pioneer in the study of company behavior in R&D activity. We have…
Julen González Redín (Donostia, 1989) is PhD in Sustainable Development and Environment from the James Hutton Institute (UK), University of Dundee (UK) and CSIRO (Australia). Previously, he obtained his Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Sciences from the University of the Basque Country and a Master’s Degree in Sustainable Development from the University of St Andrews (UK),…
Aitor Mingo Bilbao (Berango, 1993). He is an environmental scientist, graduated from the University of the Basque Country – Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. He is specialized in Urban Sustainability after completing a European master’s degree in sustainability and cities at the Universities of Aalborg (Denmark), Aveiro (Portugal) and the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Now he joins…
The International Labor Organization has entrusted naider with carrying out an empirical evaluation of the behavior of minimum wages in countries where informal economies are very significant. The expert report is carried out through the statistical and econometric exploitation of data from family surveys in seven countries. Six of them (Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Mexico,…
Naider collaborates with the Basque Innovation Agency, Innobasque, in the preparation of the first “Innovation Report of the AC of the Basque Country“. The report is aimed at finding out the state and overall performance of the Basque Country’s science, technology and innovation system. This Innobasque initiative consolidates the Agency’s determination to find out about…
Victoria Rusu, an economist from the University of the Basque Country and Master in Economics, Economic Applications and Politics from the same university, has joined the naider project to collaborate with the team of economists on research projects economic and econometric analysis.
From naider we have been working for years to create sustainable, inclusive, economically viable and technologically advanced cities, because we believe that cities should not be the “layman” of the councilors on duty, that is why we ask you for help. We ask for your help to give us, according to your point of view,…