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The purpose of this work is to assess in detail the way in which the soil is taken into account (directly or indirectly) in the different environmental policies, both general (for example, the Environmental Framework Program) and sectoral (for example, change climate or biodiversity) with the ultimate goal of identifying gaps and synergies and thus…
Naider has provided technical assistance for the process of improving the functioning of the Bilbao Women’s Council. After participating in the construction of the participatory processes during the elaboration of the municipal ordinance of equality between Women and Men of Bilbao, the City Council has once again trusted us. Yesterday we concluded the task of…
The SPRI – Basque Business Development Agency has called for the aid program “Plan Renove en Polígonos Industriales – Urbanización” 2019 to support the execution of projects and actions for Redevelopment, Regeneration, Rehabilitation and Improvement of Industrial Estates, Business Parks and Areas for economic activity.
The Ministry for the Ecological Transition of the Government of Spain has called for subsidies for unique projects of local entities that favor the transition to a low-carbon economy, in the framework of the operative program FEDER for sustainable growth 2014-2020. Among other measures, the subsidies support projects to promote the energy transition, or the…
Tolosaldea Garatzen, the Development Agency of Tolosaldea, presented on March 14 the Strategic Plan of Tolosaldea for the period 2018-2025. The Plan has aroused the adherence of the main business, social and institutional agents of the Gipuzkoan region. NAIDER has acted as a think tank for the Plan and has acted as technical secretary for…
Naider has led, in collaboration with the professional law firm Abella Legal, the participation project, which involves both political personnel and technical, as well as the agents and movements in pursuit of the participation and empowerment of women, for the Strengthening of Institutional Relations in the Elaboration of the Ordinance on Equality of Women and…
On July 7, Innobasque began the process of contrasting the results of the first analysis of perception of R+D+i carried out in the Basque Country. Around forty people met at different thematic work tables to share initial assessments of the conclusions that have already emerged from the answers provided by 250 people from the business,…
Maite Martínez, partner of Naider, leads the participatory process of elaboration of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia’s Provincial Equality Standard led by the Provincial Council’s Equality Representative, Teresa Laespada, and the Director of the department, María Guijarro . The jurist Isabel Abella, partner of Abella Legal, assists as an expert. The meetings held on June…
We live on income, which is a lot more appealing than day-to-day work. These incomes, in the words of Gorka Bueno< /a> (Doctor in Telecommunications and professor of Electronic Technology at the UPV), are represented by fossil fuels, a great deposit of energy accumulated over hundreds of thousands of years and which, in a few…