Yesterday, 18 January, NAIDER had the opportunity to participate in the presentation of the Integral Plan to Support Entrepreneurship in Vitoria-Gasteiz 2023-2030, for the development of which it collaborated with the Department of Economic Promotion, Employment, Trade and Tourism of the City Council of the Basque capital. The event, in which we accompanied the councillor for the area, was held at the Europa Conference Centre and was attended by the agents of the Álava Emprende network.

The new Plan establishes the strategic projects to be developed by the Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council over the next seven years. The document is structured into six strategic objectives, starting with the activation of the city as an entrepreneurial environment, whose main milestone is the development of the Ensanche Eco-Distrito Emprendedor project. It also contemplates actions to promote entrepreneurship specialising in the industry and related services sector, with two outstanding initiatives: ‘Jundiz 5.0’ and ‘Gamarra-Betoño Berpiztu’. A third objective is the implementation of measures to promote entrepreneurship in emerging sectors with high entrepreneurial potential, with projects such as ‘Basaldea 1’, ‘Circular Hub’, ‘Urban Lab’ and ‘Creative Industries’.

The new roadmap also includes effective support in key areas of entrepreneurship, the promotion of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial culture and the capacity for entrepreneurship in the city, as well as the strengthening of collaborative governance with relevant agents of the entrepreneurial ecosystem.